Word of the Day - Investment
Investment ih n v eh s t m ax n t
putting money into some project or venture to make a profit
I am
going to make an investment in your company
the investing of money or
capital in order to gain profitable returns, as interest, income, or
appreciation in value.
a particular instance
or mode of investing.
a thing invested in, as a
business, a quantity of shares of stock, etc.
something that is invested; sum invested.
the act or fact
of investing or
state of being invested,
as with a garment.
a devoting, using, or
giving of time, talent, emotional energy, etc., as for a purpose or to achieve
Synonyms for
investment on Thesaurus.com
Asset, contribution,
expenditure, expense, finance, financing, grant, loan, money, property, purchase, stake, transaction. venture
Entries near investment
known use
1774 the outlay of money usually for ially for income or profit : capital outlay
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